It's been a great summer! I traveled, learned new music in Ukraine with my choir Ukrainian Village Voices and sang a sold-out show in Kiev, participated in a Mac Wellman workshop at The Flea, rehearsed for the upcoming Mile Long Opera (by David Lang, Anne Carson, and Claudia Rankine) on the High Line, got invited for the fourth time to perform an excerpt of my solo show Polylogues at Judson Church, and generally refreshed myself with exercise and sun.
Now, I'm thrilled to head into the fall with another opportunity to perform an excerpt of Polylogues on Sunday, September 9th, at 5pm at Bizarre Bushwick. This is the second time the group Undiscovered Countries has invited me to share from Polylogues for their monthly curated night of performance.
And...there's even more exciting news regarding the full show of Polylogues...but I'll hold you in suspense and save that for my next update! Hope you all are well.
Performing an excerpt of Polylogues at Caveat in May 2018. Photo: Rachel Hamburg.